


Press Release

Further Strengthen Overseas Remittance Service “PayForex” Impact in Asia and Africa

Queen Bee Capital Co., Ltd (Headquarter: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: SHENBO HUANG; hereinafter “the company”), registered as Fund Transfer Service Provider (Kanto Local Finance Bureau registration number 00010) that provides overseas remittance service “PayForex”, will add 4 new supporting currencies and 17 e-wallets and expand remittance channels from late May, in order to strength the impact in Asia and Africa.

Resulting from the upgrade, the companyʼs overseas remittance service “PayForex” has totaled 39 supporting currencies. Furthermore, the supporting e-wallets has been increased to 36 in total by introducing 17 new e-wallet options in addition to the companyʼs existing 19 ones.

For further information, please click here.

■Contact Information
Queen Bee Capital Co., Ltd.
Service Planning Department
Inquiry Form