
Corporate Information

Message from CEO

Since successfully registered as Fund Transfer Service Provider in 2011 and launched our overseas remittance service “PayForex”, we have focused on archiving the goal of facilitating faster, safer and seamless cross-border payments, by providing stable services that adapt to the changing times, instead of simply replacing banking services.

Our most outstanding strength is that we own and develop our in-house remittance system.
We can swiftly respond to changing regulations and still support our customers to send money 24 hours per day and 365 days per year, without wasting their previous time. We believe that we are probably the only company that could achieve it.

We continue to develop and provide a secure and convenient remittance service without failure and disruption. As a result of our efforts, many Japanese and foreign residents in Japan have utilized our service at this moment.

In terms of related services, we have also developed innovative services such as overseas mobile top up and overseas utility bill payments.

Our customer service, including hotline, is available in 11 languages, and we are working to further expand to better serve our customers.

The world is constantly changing.

We will continue to develop services and new payment methods cater to changes, pleasantly connect people and their finances, and strive to carry out unwavering corporate activities with our mission of “providing secure, convenient and affordable financial services”.

Queen Bee Capital株式会社